2022 Switzerland Pack List

I recently had the fortune of going to Switzerland to visit with my friend in and around Bern. Using my friend’s place as a home base, we did several bike loops out of Bern, including a few train assisted sections and an overnight trip. There was also several miles of hiking and one day of kayaking down the river Aare. The weather was near perfect (end of May, beginning of June) and my friend was able to double as my translator and the itinerary was light on the touristy sightseeing....

July 8, 2022 · 5 min · Joe Whitsitt

2020 Ski Trip Pack List

I went on a short weekend ski trip to Park City, UT. I don’t have a photo of my items, but if you have seen my North Face Recon backpack, it was completely stuffed. Zippers were hard to close and it barely fit under the seat on the plane. Packing the items in a particular order was the element of success. North Face Recon backpack North Face Jacket Shell North Face Down Jacket Columbia Snow Pants Thinsulate mittens North Face e*tip gloves Dorky stocking hat with ball on top Scott Ski Goggles Smart Wool baklava Buff * Merino Wool Patagonia long underwear Under Armour 1/4 zip shirt Tees (3) Underwear (4) Wool Socks (4) Swim briefs Hospital Scrub Pants Pants Patagonia R1 hoodie Trucker hat Keen Boots Bluetooth ear bud headphones Mini battery bank Charging cords, wall adapter Phone Wallet Hanky Snacks (shelled sunflower seeds, raisins, dark chocolate) Travel coffee mug Deodorant Toothbrush Toothpaste Beard comb Ibprophen Daily vitamins Dr Bronner’s soap samples Zip-Lock baggie (toiletries) Worn on the plane...

February 29, 2020 · 3 min · Joe Whitsitt

2019 NYC Pack List

Going into Labor Day weekend, Abby and I traveled to New York City to attend my buddy’s wedding as well as celebrate our 10-year wedding anniversary. All in all, with travel to/from, we spent 5 nights, went carry-on only and had a wide range of events dictating dress code. Weather sunny in the high 80s. Urban sightseeing, broadway theatre, casual to fancy dining, a formal wedding and Ultimate Frisbee in Central Park....

October 30, 2019 · 2 min · Joe Whitsitt